Behind the Walls Talk

A blog giving insight to the hearts and minds of those behind the prison walls.

Update on Scotland CI

Thank all who read and sent an email to the warden of the prison for the filthiness that we have to deal with. The warden came to the dorm first thing this morning to look at what we’re speaking about, and he agreed that the conditions are uncalled for and will be sending maintenance in here to get the mold and dust off the air condition system as well the dust out of the ventilation system. As I pointed out everything, the Unit Manager was right there trying to dispute everything I was saying and was doing her best to usher the warden out of the dorm. When we are only concerned about our health and wellbeing. Mrs. Bass is violating the safety policy chapter, “Supervisory and Employees Responsibility”. She is condoning unsafe living conditions and verbally unprofessional when confronted with these issues. She screamed at one point that the janitors needed to be cleaning, and I spoke back stating that we don’t even have any supplies and the janitor’s closet is locked. So how are they going to clean without anything to do so with? This lady does not deserve the position she holds because she has no regard for the safety and health of human beings! Once again thank you all. 

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