Behind the Walls Talk

A blog giving insight to the hearts and minds of those behind the prison walls.

Prison Stories

Nobody wakes up and says that they’re going to jump on a correctional officer today. Nine times out of ten, the officer provoked, antagonized, disrespected the prisoner, pushing him to a point of no return. I want to bring situations and incidents to the forefront with actual details of what occurred. That is the purpose of this page, so therefore we can together come up with a solution for the problems that occur within these stories. I will be giving you from my account or from another reliable comrade. The story I would like to tell you about today is the incident that happened in 2017 at Bertie Correctional were on medium custody, a white male murdered a female Sargent. Now what happened was this: That female Sargent came to this guy and told him to pack his property and move to another dorm. He stated that he has a job and does not want to move anyway for no reason. By him stating that he had a job, that Sargent should have gone to management and asked as to why he was being moved, notifying them of him having a job and they could have just found another bed of someone unassigned, but no she decided to get nasty with him. Threaten to lock him up in segregation for refusal of bed assignment. He goes back in his dorm and takes water and places it in the microwave on whatever to make it boil and then goes over to the trashcan and creates a fire inside of it, so when the officers see the fire going on the Sargent grabs the fire extinguisher out of the booth, comes out and proceeds into the dorm to put out the fire. By this time, he goes back to the microwave to get the water that is now at boiling temperature and walks over to the Sargent and throws it in her face, starts beating her and then realizes the fire extinguisher, he picks it up and begins to smash her in the head with it repeatedly till she was unresponsive. Now this incident could have been avoided if it had been handled professionally. We speak of professionalism and unprofessionalism, but nobody is held accountable for their actions towards us human beings that are imprisoned in this state of North Carolina. For every action there is a reaction! There are prison officials that are just outright nasty and unprofessional. Most of them are sergeants, captains, lieutenants, unit managers. They create hostile environments. I am going to be speaking about and giving you more stories of these type of incidents that occur behind the walls and expose these prison officials that are not being professional and helpful towards the mission statement of NCDAC. This is Behind the Walls Talk!

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