Douglas Siler Southern Correctional 0502693
Here is the story of Douglas Siler 70 who is currently incarcerated at Southern Correctional. He has been incarcerated for over 3 years now and was expecting to receive justice, […] Continue Reading →
My Perception by Frankie Faulk
As the Co-founder of Behind the Walls Talk, it has come to my attention that I should speak about the perception I have about these men that I advocate for. […] Continue Reading →
Donald McLaughlin Bertie CI 1005359
Let me introduce myself. My name is Donald McLaughlin, I am currently serving two life sentences without the possibility of parole, in the North Carolina penal system. Blessed to have […] Continue Reading →
Reentry 2030 Strategic Plan
Let us all try to get this information to the men and women behind the walls. Screenshot the pages and send them on the tablets, word of mouth, and those […] Continue Reading →