I want to share some inside thoughts with you all. We as prisoners often have our reality checks due to the nature of us attempting to constantly distract ourselves with listening to the radio, watching television, playing games, reading, schooling, and so other things, to take our minds away from facing the reality of the time you are doing. Today I was sitting on my bunk, and I saw this correctional officer come in to get a guy that I often talk to and have known for some years now to go home! I was so confused! When I thought about it, we never spoke of when he does go home. I was glad to see him walk up to me and give me a firm handshake with an embracement to follow. He told me to keep doing what I’m doing, because I’m sure to bring about change, and I told him to have a wonderful life. He turned around and walked out. That right there was one of those reality checks for me. I got into the shower and reflected on what happened earlier, I will admit that I shed some tears, because my freedom is what I desire the most. Reality checks can be painful and refreshing at the same time.
*If you say that something is a reality check for someone, you mean that it makes them recognize the truth about a situation, especially about the difficulties involved in something they want to achieve.*
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