Mental Health Crisis
Once taken from your family and loved ones you’re automatically disabled due to the stressful situation you are faced with being incarcerated. Depression is what you’re going to experience and that’s the number one cause of death in America because it’s linked to chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer ETC. After a certain period of being incarcerated there should be an evaluation done to determine whether you need further assistance. I’ve witnessed time and time again guys would walk around here speaking to an imaginary person carrying on a full conversation and the officers will witness the same behavior and not report it to medical. There are incidents where these same types of individuals have become violent not only towards fellow prisoners, but towards staff and administration as well. These guys will still look for assistance to only be laughed at and disregarded which has led to them committing suicide. There have been programs called TDU there have been established at Alexander Correctional and Maury Correctional to house and treat those that have mental health issues. Due to my research gather on these programs, staff and administration are not helping those guys at all by locking them behind the door and having them to take classes from behind the door. There is no professional help that cares because it’s not just the presence of being incarcerated but some have childhood traumas that they lived through. There needs to be more awareness brought to this mental health crisis so whether I so whatever ideas or suggestions will be gladly appreciated. Even though incarcerated we still look to live a life worth living that’s meaningful and purposeful despite how bad things might seem. If what we’re going through hasn’t stopped our heart from beating, then neither should we.
From the Founder William McCallum