Behind the Walls Talk

A blog giving insight to the hearts and minds of those behind the prison walls.

Douglas Siler Southern Correctional 0502693

Here is the story of Douglas Siler 70 who is currently incarcerated at Southern Correctional. He has been incarcerated for over 3 years now and was expecting to receive justice, but instead was denied on his appeals to overturn his conviction due to an unjust system. When looking at his case, it is clear to see that what occurred on the date of July 21,2021 was a violation of his 4th amendment rights, which is; The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The way I see it is that he was clearly railroaded, because first and foremost Douglas Siler was the passenger and never admitted that the pills was his and the driver, which was Lucas didn’t admit to the drugs found as well, so therefore both supposed to have been arrested and charged. Lucas and Officer Dirinney worked together against Douglas to get an arrest, and the D.A. overlooked the Due Process of Law to get a conviction.

Hello everybody my name is Douglas Siler and I just wanted to let the people know what we as Black inmates have to go through to get our court cases resolved, in my case not resolved. Through the North Carolina Judicial System, I have a case where they do not have probable cause to search the car, I was a passenger in.

On July 21,2021 I was riding with a guy named Lucas to Speedway gas station, but before we got there we stopped at Joanne’s house. I went in to see her, he left and when he came back an hour later, I was mad because we were supposed to be going right back to my house. We were riding in a friend’s car, so I was rushing to get back. When we got to the Speedway gas station I noticed a cop at the pump. I suggested we go somewhere else. Lucas was adamant about going there so I said OKAY. We pulled in and he went to pay for the gas. I’m inside the car watching the cop while he could not see me because of the window tint being so dark. After Lucas paid for the gas, I got out to pump the gas. When I step out to do so, the cop asks me what I did with the pills I had. I told him I had no idea what he was talking about, and he continued asking at least ten times and threatened to search the car. I told him it wasn’t my car so I couldn’t tell him to search it. I even mentioned that I’m not the driver and that maybe the driver would consent to a search. He went on to Terry search me for weapons and he found some pills on me in a white bottle. He said, “no I saw you with an orange pill bottle with Percocets inside.” I said, “no you didn’t!” He arrested me and put me in his car, then proceeded to search the car and came up with some pills. The driver told me to tell them they were not his pills, I said, and I quote “they may not be his but they damn sure ain’t mine.” He took me to jail and let the white guy drive off in the car which should have been impounded. They say it was 40-50 pills and I was placed under a 1.5-million-dollar bond. It should also be noted that drugs were found under both seats.

  1. There is no crime scene.
  2. There is no traffic stop.
  3. No question about who had a prescription for the pills found.
  4. I was arrested and placed under a $1.5 million bond. The white guy and driver of the car was told to leave in the car which should have been impounded.
  5. We got an untrained cop (not a narcotic detective) who has x-ray vision that allows him to see inside a car 20 feet away and identify percocets in an orange bottle and charge me, the passenger with them.
  6. No bodycam until after the arrest.
  7. He stated in court he was never trained to I.D. pills or make a drug arrest.
  8. He also stated that he knew me to be a drug dealer from years past. That is why he made the arrest.
  9. He also stated that he didn’t know I was on probation before or after the search.
  10. He stated he saw me with the pills, I must be the world’s dumbest because I would have to be waving them around in the car.
  11. He never impounded the car.
  12. If he saw me with the pills, why didn’t he approach the car and take them. Instead, he asked me 10 times where did I put the pills.
  13. He never had a search warrant.
  14. He was a cop trying to get a promotion.
  15. We got a DA overstepping her bounds to get a conviction.
  16. A judge out of order not fulfilling their duties.
  17. The appeals court going along with the good ole boys.

It all boils down to Josh Stein (Attorney General) not living up to the creed “that all men are created equal” and no one is above the law. They broke the law trying to make sure I get locked up and the people who are to make sure they abide by the law are going along with them. We as Black people can never get a fair trial because of the Good Ole Boy system. These facts can be confirmed at:

     Douglas C. Siler Chatham County Case

     No. 21CRS051035 Court of Appeals

     No. COA23-474 Court of Appeals

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