Behind the Walls Talk

A blog giving insight to the hearts and minds of those behind the prison walls.

  • We still have rights!

    As wards of the state, we still have rights as human beings just as a civilized person in society has, which I do not believe a lot of people understand. […]

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  • Example Email

    This is an example of one of the emails that my fiancé addressed to the warden at Scotland CI, the news, up in Raleigh, NC, and a few of elected […]

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  • Our Journey Together

    I spoke with Brian Scott who is the Executive Director with OurJourney. They are located in Rocky Mount, NC  27802 phone number is (252)-220-9516, this is Alamance County. These people […]

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  • Clean Slate Reentry Program

    Derek Gamble is the Program Director with Clean Slate Reentry located at 207 North Main Street, Suite 2, Sumter SC. For seven years they have helped numerous people with reentering […]

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