Behind the Walls Talk

A blog giving insight to the hearts and minds of those behind the prison walls.

Free Brandon July 210444 ASPC Kingman (Arizona)

This is my message for my husband Brandon July. He has 15 months left of his six-year sentence. He is my world. I am so blessed to be your wife. Brandon is the reason I keep going. Angela July

Angela has informed us here at Behind the Walls Talk that she is actively working on getting the necessary medical care that he needs. They have moved him to a different facility outside of travel distance for her. Thankfully they can have video visitation but have not been able to see each other in person since January 20th. With this transfer, they both were told that the new facility will take care of his medical needs and they have not fulfilled that yet. If anyone knows how to help her get the medical needs of her husband met in Arizona, please reach out to her via Facebook @ Angela July or by email at Thank you Behind the Walls Talk!

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