Behind the Walls Talk

A blog giving insight to the hearts and minds of those behind the prison walls.

What Second Chance mean to Me!

To me a second chance is like a breath of fresh air. Given a chance in an unforgiving society is like giving life to a kid that hasn’t been granted foresight. Being gone 27 years hasn’t made me bitter but has helped me realize that I can’t make up for lost time but make the best use of the time I’m granted again. C. Blount

A second chance means to me “not to sound like a cliche” almost everything to me. Being that I was still a kid when I first became incarcerated (just turned 19) it will mean the chance to experience life as an adult with adult thoughts and responsibilities. It means that I will have a chance to show that I have a lot to contribute to society. It also feels like being there for my daughter and grandson will be one of the best feelings in the world. L. Johnson

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